Women's Day? Is it?

Today's supposedly women's day... I wonder what that truly means. Today in WhatsApp, the status section is full with appreciation for the women kind, today everyone is wishing 'Happy Womens' Day' and yet I seriously doubt if today is going to change anything for women across the world. 
    We humans have a way of singing our own praise... We are always trying to glorify ourselves and yet, most of the times, what we say are just tall tales... Men try to establish themselves as the superior race while women continuously try to establish the anti of that... And at the end of the fight, we still remain far away from the truth... The truth which dictates that all are equal.
     Today is Women's day and I still wonder whether the women who are in real need of realising that and the women who need to be liberated from the shackles truly understand that... I wonder whether the women in the backward section of society are even aware of the fact that today is Women's day or anyone is doing anything to remind them that... 
    When we talk of women as warriors, when we talk of how the women are capable of doing great things, of defying the narrow mindset of modern society, we forget one simple thing. We forget that the society will be men- dominated only if we allow it to be so, we forget that if the women need to make a stand as warriors, each woman needs to be that. And if there is even one woman amidst us who prefers sitting and enjoying the privileges we receive as women, if even one woman accepts the fact that 'men are stronger than women, then it is the responsibility of all others to change her viewpoint. 
If we think, we can uplift women by making special reservations for them, we are wrong... Only the weak need to be given considerations in the arena. The strong don't need any of that. If we think our battle is against the men, we are wrong... Because battling against an ally, we can never hope to win the battle. Our fight has to be against stereotype, it has to be waged against 'narrow mentality', superiority and. discrimination.Because I believe that there are too many women out there who are intent in suppressing their own kind. 
               Coming back to today, why is today supposed to be special? Just because the UN has decided to celebrate 8th March as Women's Day? What about the hundreds of women who will not be wished just because they had a fight with their dear ones the day before... What about the children who don't have enough time to spend with their mothers, or don't even know whether their mothers are happy but on Women's day, they wish them..  Isn't that mere lip service in that case? 
For a woman who lives by struggling through each day, women's day is that day when she is acknowledged... when another woman plays a role in liberating her from the shackles of inhumanity... when she can finally realise that her battles are serving a purpose, a purpose of not only keeping her alive but of inspiring other women to never give up... 
For a woman who is on the brink of giving up, women's day is that day when she gets her hopes re- instilled, when she doesn't see giving up as an option anymore...
For a woman who has decided to teach generations to come about the ideals of life, women's day is that day when she is helped realise that dream, when her students show her that even with her flaws, she has been successful in inspiring few people to lead a better way of life than the rest... To do something for the world as she has done for them.
For the women who sacrifice themselves to raise a sapling into a big tree, the seed of which they bear inside themselves, women's day is when their children look up to them as their role models and learn to love as they have been loved... The day when their efforts bear fruit...
For the women who aim high, women's day is when they realise their dreams...
For the women who are enslaved by stereotype and narrow mentality, women's day is when they are helped to realise the true essence of becoming free from those disintegrating forces at work...
So women's day is a special day, different for each one.... Wait. Am I trying to say that it was wrong for the UN to fix one particular day for it? No. Today 8th March has been designated as Womens' day not because we are supposed to start thanking the great women in our lives... Because surely, it is our moral responsibility to thank them everyday. Today is special because today we are supposed to remember that there are so many women in our society who need our help... We must re- pledge today to do all that we can to aid those in need... And by need, I also mean those who are going through mental distress, those who need to change their viewpoint towards everything that's going on ... We need to re- believe in the strength, the potentiality of each of us. It is imperative for us to do something to better things... Those great women whom we hear of and also the ones whom we have been privileged to get in our life are the ones from whom we should learn the greatest lesson, the lesson of how to live our lives...

So may today be a day for us to realise all of that... To recharge our soul anew...


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