A little insight

Everyone has a different perspective... We argue and become engaged in conflicts because of this difference in perspective. In these cases, neither you nor the one who doesn't agree with you is at fault... Usually it's both of you who are at fault because none of you agree to step out of your world and try to look at the thing from the angle of your partner. But it is necessary to be able to respect each other's opinion and the perspective they choose to look through. 
Again at times when we feel perplexed over a problem or an issue, all we need to do is try another perspective. Stereotype is never supportive of change or progress...
Placing ourselves in another's shoes is a quality not all of us have. But it is definitely a quality we must strive to achieve because it is in favour of helping us feel less hateful towards others and their actions and also give us another angle to make our thoughts on the thing better. Now of course, I am not saying that everyone who wrongs you is having a great perspective... It's not always the case but he or she definitely has one and knowing it might help us understand how to mould it in the right way.
    So let today be a day when you learn how to look at things differently and then, maybe the thing which you despised yesterday, might suddenly lose its negativity...

        Thank you......

         Wish you had an insight on this what this blog is going to be about... It is going to be my exploration of different topics from different perspectives.....
                                                                     -Ishana Ghosh


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