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Women's Day? Is it?

Today's supposedly women's day... I wonder what that truly means. Today in WhatsApp, the status section is full with appreciation for the women kind, today everyone is wishing 'Happy Womens' Day' and yet I seriously doubt if today is going to change anything for women across the world.      We humans have a way of singing our own praise... We are always trying to glorify ourselves and yet, most of the times, what we say are just tall tales... Men try to establish themselves as the superior race while women continuously try to establish the anti of that... And at the end of the fight, we still remain far away from the truth... The truth which dictates that all are equal.      Today is Women's day and I still wonder whether the women who are in real need of realising that and the women who need to be liberated from the shackles truly understand that... I wonder whether the women in the backward section of society are even aware of the fact that today is Women&#

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